📄️ AggregateOffer
Describes a group of 'offers' for a 'Product', typically due to variations in attributes (colors, sizes, prices).
📄️ Article
Describes an 'Article' on a 'WebPage'.
📄️ Breadcrumb
Describes the hierarchical position a 'WebPage' within a 'WebSite'.
📄️ Comment
Describes a review. Usually in the context of an 'Article' or a 'WebPage'.
📄️ HowTo
Describes a 'HowTo' guide, which contains a series of 'steps'.
📄️ Image (ImageObject)
Describes an individual image (usually in the context of an embedded media object).
📄️ LocalBusiness
Describes a business which allows public visitation. Typically used to represent the business 'behind' the website, or on a page about a specific business.
📄️ Offer
Describes an offer for a 'Product' (typically prices, stock availability, etc).
📄️ Organization
Describes an organization (a company, business or institution). Most commonly used to identify the publisher of a 'WebSite'.
📄️ Person
Describes an individual person. Most commonly used to identify the 'author' of a piece of content.
📄️ Postal Address
Describes the postal address of a place; usually in the context of a 'LocalBusiness'.
📄️ Product
Describes a product sold by a business.
📄️ Question
Describes a 'Question'. Most commonly used in 'FAQPage' or 'QAPage' content.
📄️ Recipe
Describes a 'Recipe', which contains a series of instructions, ingredients, and optional fields.
📄️ Review
Describes a 'Review'. Usually in the context of a 'Product' or an 'Organization'.
📄️ SearchAction
Describes a 'SearchAction' on a 'WebSite'.
📄️ Video (VideoObject)
Describes an individual video (usually in the context of an embedded media object).
📄️ WebPage
Describes a single page on a WebSite. Acts as a container for sub-page elements (such as Article).
📄️ WebSite
Describes a 'WebSite'. Parent to 'WebPage'.